
C4-X-MS-DIM (Engineer)

Learn about dimensional modeling using the biGENIUS-X Microsoft SQL Server generator in this hands-on practice module, and earn your Expert certificate.

C4-X-MS-DIM Microsoft SQL Server (dimensional modeling)

1250 CHF / 1250 EUR / 1410 USD


6 days

Target group

  • Data solutions developers
  • BI Consultants

Course content

Practical project in hands-on mode for the biGENIUS-X Microsoft SQL Server Dimensional Generator:

1. Setup

2. Setup Solution and Projects

3. Data Stores implementation

4. Stage File implementation

5. Data Solution implementation - Sources

6. Data Solution implementation - Entities

7. Data Solution implementation - Facts

8. Overall load and parallel loading

9. Cleansing action analysis

10. Change requests and delta deployment

11. Data Mart implementation

12. Production deployment

13. Data vizualization

To obtain the biGENIUS-X Expert certification, you need to pass an online exam with 29 questions.


Knowledge prerequisites

Completion of module: C3-X-MS-DIM – Microsoft SQL Server (dimensional modeling)

Technical prerequisites

  • Please prepare your training environment as instructed in this biGENIUS-X Knowledge Base article: Target environment for Microsoft SQL Server – Stage File‍
  • We suggest using a Docker Windows image instead of installing a local SQL server.
  • If you use a local installation, you must know how to use and configure SQL Server before starting this training.

No additional support from biGENIUS will be provided regarding your SQL Server installation and configuration.

How to enroll

1. Once you have registered for a module, we will add you to our e-Learning platform with your business contact details.

2. You will then receive an email. If you don't yet have an account, it is then necessary for you to create your own user and register yourself in the biGENIUS Learning Manager.