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Data analytics solutions need Smart Data Automation

Gregor Zeiler explains how and where biGENIUS can be used in the IT infrastructure of companies, and how it stands out from other products.

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    Posted on:
    October 26, 2020


    The IT infrastructure of companies must meet the highest standards. In most cases, not only the quality of products and services, but also the efficiency of employees depends on it. Investments in this area are therefore advisable in order to remain competitive in the future – but investment is not synonymous with high future costs, quite the contrary.

    With biGENIUS you are investing in a future in which costs can be saved through sustainable automation of various processes and the IT department can be relieved of manual and error-prone development tasks. In this interview, our Head of biGENIUS Gregor Zeiler explains how exactly this works, where biGENIUS can be used and how it stands out from other products.


    Q: Gregor, support for the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) will end at the end of December 2021. What advice do you have for companies that have relied on it so far?
    A: Even if there are still possibilities with Oracle extended support it is high time to plan migrations to alternative solutions. Don’t miss the chance to think outside the box and see how Smart Data Automation with biGENIUS can revolutionise your data analytics world in the future.

    Q: What are the other advantages of migrating to biGENIUS, apart from replacing a tool that is no longer supported or outdated?
    A: In addition to the advantage that the migration itself is highly automated with biGENIUS, biGENIUS naturally offers all the advantages of a modern Smart Data Automation solution.

    Q: For what other scenarios besides replacing an ETL tool is biGENIUS suitable?
    A: biGENIUS is made for turning your data into business as fast and cost-efficient as possible! You can build modern Data Analytics solutions from scratch or modernize your existing legacy Data Warehouse to a leading edge solution in minimum time and without unnecessary manuel effort.

    Q: How does biGENIUS differ in its handling and functionalities from classic ETL tools on the one hand and from competing products on the other?
    A: Traditional ETL Tools only care about data flows and you have to build every data flow by hand. biGENIUS cares about the data structure, the data flows and the operating of the Data Analytics solution. And everything is generated automatically by biGENIUS. The difference to other automation products is the sophisticated metadata concept and the outstanding flexibility of biGENIUS.

    Q: For which companies is biGENIUS suitable? Are there any exclusion criteria?
    A: biGENIUS is used by hundreds of customers from all industries, from small to very large international companies. biGENIUS is suitable for all companies that do data analytics.

    Q: In the future, one of the most important differentiating factors for companies will be their ability to handle data intelligently. To what extent does biGENIUS make a contribution here?
    A: Intelligent handling of data means to integrate the required data very quickly and easily and at the same time to do this in a very standardised way so that there is no uncontrolled growth. To be able to respond flexibly to new requirements and to use the most innovative technologies for this purpose. This is exactly what biGENIUS is made for.

    Q: How do you see the future of Smart Data Automation?
    A: I think this is comparable to e-mobility. In the foreseeable future there will be no new car without electric drive. In the same way, data analytics solutions will not be able to survive without Smart Data Automation in the future.

    Q: What is your biggest insider tip regarding the use of biGENIUS?
    A: Try a jump start and experience the speed of automation in real life. It is a wonderful feeling to be finished before others start!


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