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biGENIUS Hack – Manage Oracle tablespace

Learn how to configure different tablespaces for each table and index for each object in each layer in each environment.

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    Posted on:
    August 17, 2022

    With the Oracle generator, you can configure in which tablespace an object will be created physically .You can configure different tablespaces for each table and index for each object in each layer in each environment.

    Beginner hack

    To configure tablespaces usage, biGENIUS includes the following Custom Properties on the relevant layer under an environment (STG, CLS, COR and DM) by default:

    • TablespaceIndexBig: name of the tablespace for big index
    • TablespaceIndexStandard: name of the tablespace for standard index
    • TablespaceTableBig: name of the tablespace for big table
    • TablespaceTableStandard: name of the tablespace for standard table

    You can configure them like this for example for the COR layer:

    Then, you can reference one of these tablespaces in the following custom properties on the object:

    • TablespaceIndex:
    • Standard: index will be created in the tablespace, which is designated in TablespaceIndexStandard
    • Big: index will be created in the tablespace, which is designated in TablespaceIndexBig
    • None: index will be created without tablespace clause
    • TablespaceTable:
    • Standard: table will be created in the tablespace, which is designated in TablespaceTableStandard
    • Big: table will be created in the tablespace, which is designated in TablespaceTableBig
    • None: index will be created without tablespace clause

    For example for the Person_Person Entity which is a standard table, not a table:

    More details can be found in our Product documentationConfigure tablespaces usage (ORA)on biGENIUS Community and Help Center.

    Expert hack

    It is also possible to configure more tablespace types like for example one specific tablespace for small tables in addition of the one for big and standard tables:

    • Add 2 new custom properties with exactly this format:
    • TablespaceIndex + the keyword for the new type (here: Small)
    • TablespaceTable + the keyword for the new type (here: Small)
    • Update the 4 existing custom properties called TablespaceIndex and TablespaceTable by adding the new type in the list of possible values (update all objects for each change):
    • The new tablespace can now be configured like the others:
    • On the custom properties of a layer:
    • On the custom properties of an object:

    More details can be found in our Product documentationConfigure tablespaces usage (ORA)on biGENIUS Community and Help Center.

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