You can find all updates and news about our cloud application - biGENIUS-X here.
The new biGENIUS-X data vault generator automates the creation and management of data vaults for your Microsoft Fabric data lakehouse.
Leveraging the power of the biGENIUS-X and its latest data vault generator for Snowflake, users can efficiently create and manage data vault models for Snowflake.
How Advanced Settings can help you customize your biGENIUS-X solutions to adapt to your business needs.
biGENIUS-X data vault generator for Apache Spark is now available.
An interview with CTO - Thomas Gassmann and COO & Product Designer - Oliver Haidutschek about the development of biGENIUS-X.
In this use case demo, we show how to utilize biGENIUS-X features in a real project.
Let's see biGENIUS-X in action in this step-by-step guide with an example use case.
Beschleunigen und automatisieren Sie Ihren analytischen Datenworkflow mithilfe der vielseitigen Features von biGENIUS-X.