
Level: C1

Take advantage of this free online course and get started with data warehouse automation using biGENIUS. Upon completion with this level, you can then move on to level C2 and earn your biGENIUS Engineer certifications.


Introduction to biGENIUS

biGENIUS is a data automation solution that was developed to cover the complete life cycle of analytical data solutions. It maps and supports documentation of business requirements, modeling and generation, data load monitoring and data quality verification. You will learn globally what is biGENIUS. This course is the first step for the biGENIUS Engineer certification.


  • 1 hour


  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of biGENIUS.
  • Start to acquire the needed knowledge to pass the certification exam biGENIUS Engineer.

Target Group

  • Consultants
  • Data warehouse developers
  • Data warehouse project managers


Theoricals videos

1. Introduction: BI basic knowledge, What is biGENIUS, Tool overview
2. biGENIUS implementations: ODS, Dimensional, Data Vault, Mart, Test, Oracle, cloud technologies, Big Data, available implementations
3. General functionalities: Metadb, Documentation, Templates, Deployment/Load, Cleansing, Customization, Architecture
4. Usages: Why use biGENIUS?, Support

To enroll

Access to our e-Learning platform within 2 weeks after subscription.

Technical prerequisites

Basic SQL skills, basic knowledge of the SQL Server database or Oracle database, knowledge on data warehousing (this is not a BI Course).


Course materials are provided in English.