Data modeling has never been easier with biGENIUS-X Wizards streamlining laborious tasks by automating each step of your data modeling process, saving you valuable time and minimizing manual error.
Data lineage
Quickly visualize the data lineage for a model object from the Dataflow Modeling overview or for a term from Term Mapping Overview, to gain better understanding of your project with a single click.
Relationship modeling
Get a comprehensive overview of the relationship between model objects to edit and manage your terms and their relationship. Save and print the layout to share with your team for faster decision-making.
Git integration
Instantly save your progress with biGENIUS-X and its project versioning with Git, and work collaboratively on separate feature branches of the same project.
CI/CD pipeline
Generated artifacts are stored in a separate Git repository as the basis for the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that your data team can quickly and easily deploy changes and improvements to your analytical data solution.
Artificial Intelligence
biGENIUS-X utilizes AI in various aspects for its users: data modeling and term-mapping supported by AI, AI-assisted documentation, and AI-driven e-learning.
Advanced settings
Customize properties, default values and terms, naming rules and conventions in your dedicated feature branch of a project to adapt to your unique needs.
Project views
Set up different views as the dedicated workbench for your different tasks, making your workflow and collaboration between team members more effective.
Linked projects
With Linked Projects users can reuse modeled objects and settings between projects, to ensure consistency and adherence to shared schemas across all data domains.