Powerful features that help you drive time to market

Every feature that you might need for your analytical data solution, no matter the use case.

biGENIUS-X term-based data lineage feature
Blue background with lines.

Core features

biGENIUS-X includes a robust set of features that can help your data team automate analytical data workflows with ease.

Data modeling wizards icon.


Data modeling has never been easier with biGENIUS-X Wizards streamlining laborious tasks by automating each step of your data modeling process, saving you valuable time and minimizing manual error.

Visualization icon.

Data lineage

Quickly visualize the data lineage for a model object from the Dataflow Modeling overview or for a term from Term Mapping Overview, to gain better understanding of your project with a single click.

Connection icon.

Relationship modeling

Get a comprehensive overview of the relationship between model objects to edit and manage your terms and their relationship. Save and print the layout to share with your team for faster decision-making.

Icon of branches merging.

Git integration

Instantly save your progress with biGENIUS-X and its project versioning with Git, and work collaboratively on separate feature branches of the same project.

Automation icon.

CI/CD pipeline

Generated artifacts are stored in a separate Git repository as the basis for the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that your data team can quickly and easily deploy changes and improvements to your analytical data solution. 

Icon of a lightbulb.

Artificial Intelligence

biGENIUS-X utilizes AI in various aspects for its users: data modeling and term-mapping supported by AI, AI-assisted documentation, and AI-driven e-learning.

Icon of a gear.

Advanced settings

Customize properties, default values and terms, naming rules and conventions in your dedicated feature branch of a project to adapt to your unique needs.

Preview icon.

Project views

Set up different views as the dedicated workbench for your different tasks, making your workflow and collaboration between team members more effective.

Icon of data set links.

Linked projects

With Linked Projects users can reuse modeled objects and settings between projects, to ensure consistency and adherence to shared schemas across all data domains.

Supporting trusted technologies


Leveraging benefits of the cloud

Advantages of using a cloud application to automate your analytical data solution with easy deployment, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Always updated

biGENIUS-X keeps your data team current with the latest features, updates, and bug fixes without interrupting your workflow. Access and collaborate on your data anywhere, anytime, on any device or platform.

Collaboration and efficiency

With biGENIUS-X, you have the flexibility to use tools that your team is already familiar with, simplifying collaboration. With an intuitive user interface, your team can focus on important projects instead of tedious tasks.

Security and accessibility

With biGENIUS-X, your metadata is processed separately from your data pipeline without interfering your analytical data solution, providing more control over your live environment, thus minimizing  risks of error.


Use cases

biGENIUS-X is designed for data-driven organizations that need to stay agile and efficient. Shorten your analytical data lifecycle from the ground up today.

New data solutions icon.

Modernization that scales and adapts to your business needs, no matter the size of your organization.

Icon of a lightbulb.

Transform and iterate your ideas into tangible and functional MVPs in a fraction of the time with biGENIUS-X.

Icon of a group of people.

biGENIUS-X provides a feature-rich workspace optimized for simplified and collaborative data engineering.

Future-proof your data icon.

With a high-level of automation, you can rest assured to be able to adapt to ever-changing technologies.

Request trial access

Gain free access to all biGENIUS-X features for 14 days

Access biGENIUS-X

Access biGENIUS-X

Once signed in, you can either use the projects provided by biGENIUS or start with your own.

Data development in biGENIUS-X

Explore biGENIUS-X

Start turning your business logic into models and experience the speed of biGENIUS-X automation.

biGENIUS-X generates code for deployment

Generate and deploy

Generate and deploy the code artifacts for your data product to your chosen target platform.